Monday, February 28, 2011


I would sit and gaze upon the mountain
So strong and full of life
Beauty beyond words
Full of life and hope
Then one careless man
And the beauty was scarred
The similarities I found
My life, 
My hopes, 
My dreams
And a careless man
Scarred for life?
I think not
There is strength in me
And like the mountain
The life, 
The hopes, 
The dreams
Will slowly return
There is strength
A man cannot take that away
The scars will fade
The dreams will be fulfilled
The life will return


This was written several years ago when the mountains in Tucson were aflame (I think it was spring of 2003) and I'd sit on my front porch and watch it. The destruction of the mountain was catastrophic. Now there's new life and not as many signs of the fire. This was my first attempt at writing after several years of nothing. It still means a lot to me, especially now that the last three lines are coming true.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


You have to know the happy for the sad
The angry for the glad
And la tee ta ta ta

I had to fear the words of a monster
To appreciate the serenity of yours

I had to feel anger and force behind a hand
To appreciate the gentleness of yours

I had to face the realms of death
To appreciate the life I feel in your arms

I had to go through hell
To appreciate the heaven you bring me.

Of course, written for my sweetie. He gives me so much inspiration, and somehow the pain of 
yesteryears is erased, and the wonderful beauty of how life is supposed to be. I waited forty-five
years to find him, and am looking forward to forever with him, in this life and beyond.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


gazing in your eyes
lying in your arms

i could be in a field

of wild flowers

or a brier patch

for i am oblivious

my soul feels divine

dancing with yours

as if nobody was watching

our bodies

making love


or sitting close holding hands


or in a roomful of people

it is just you and me

you are my safe place

my friend

and my love

i want to learn from you
grow with you
live with you

love with you

give to you

be with you.

how and why

where and when

we met through angels

the time was right

conditions perfect

as they were meant to be.

the trust i thought

i'd never feel

the love i thought

i'd be afraid to accept

all in one beautiful package

the oyster's pearl

my perfect gem.


the word alone

does no justice

for my feelings

i beyond love you

i am yours alone

as you are mine

gods and angels

sing for our union
a tune i pray never ends.


This poem I wrote for my sweet love shortly after we met. The feelings are the same, but stronger. It's been five months since we met, but it feels like five eternities. I feel like I've known and loved him forever, as I will continue to know and love him forever.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My doctors have prescribed for me
A chemical lobotomy
To take away the pain and fears
That have plagued me for so many years
When I go into a rage or panic
Two little pills will do the trick
These same two stop and block my dreams
So I don't wake to fits and screams
Another pill will mute the voices
That make me think I have no choices
But to pull my hair, cut, and burn my skin
One more to fight the voices within
Two to level the roller coaster ride
Of two moods and two sides
I often wonder which is worse
The so called illness or the cures
My mind is taken away from me
Just memories of who I used to be
Flashbacks in time run through my brain
But here and now briefly remain
Someone helps with street crossing
Another takes me grocery shopping
When I go for a walk, wander, and roam
A special dog will find my way home
There's a problem if I walk too much
My feet cramp and burn with the slightest touch
There is no pill or cure for this pain
So I illegally smoke and my consciousness drain
If this drug was one they could dispense
My doctors would give it without hesitance
Epilepsy and various other ills
Provide another handful of pills
When the cures and diagnoses have taken me
I will simply no longer want to be
Through the mercies of the gods or my own hand
I'll exit this life for one more grand
This solution that to me seems most kind
For myself and those I've left behind
Of all the things I've ever lost
My mind has has been the greatest cost


I wrote this one a few weeks back, after thinking about the 17 different medications my doctors have me on for various reasons. Some of them are to counteract side affects of other meds, and others are for their own purposes. The biggest bitch of all of it is I just found out that the Dr. who diagnosed me with dementia (which lead to the Alzheimer's diagnosis) SIX MONTHS ago, also prescribed a medication to take daily that I just found out a couple days ago isn't supposed to be taken regularly for more than THIRTY DAYS, or it can cause IRREVERSIBLE confusion, coordination problems, and memory loss.  Great job doc!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


In a former life
the only colors I knew were primary.
Red was my anger,
Yellow my fear,
Blue my outlook

Then my gift of love~
God sent me you
and a whole new spectrum was revealed
filled with pastels and light.
What are the colors of love?
And acceptance?
And joy?
You say that I am beautiful,
Yet you have no clue ~
are the colors brought by you.

I was just having a discussion with my sweetie, and he asked "Imagine if there were a whole other
spectrum of colors that our simple minds cannot comprehend" or something like that. It reminded me
of this poem, written some years back, and the meaning behind it now, as I post it anew.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Running through the desert
toward what?
away from what?

Slow to a walk
am I safer now?
or less energetic?

I must keep going.
forward, onward
no going back.

My goal is in sight.
trees, green grass
water? water!

An oasis on the horizon
keep going forward
rewards are in sight

There I can refresh
the long journey over
finally rest

The reward for the toil
no more struggle
just peace

Why aren't I getting closer
it stays on the horizon
no matter how far I crawl

An oasis, a mirage?
like expecting gold
after chasing rainbows

There is no plush green land
just as there is no gold
and no water

Chasing an oasis
I've come to far to go back
and too far to go on

Why even take the trip
to chase mirages and lies
believing, gullibility

What is the great reward?
to perish in the sun and sand
exhausted by useless travel?

Convince me to go on
where am I going
and why bother


 This one was written during a time of questioning faith and spirituality. I was questioning my own purpose and worth. Life has been a Hell for so long, that even the thought of hope seemed ridiculous. So, if there's no belief in hope in this life or another, why stay in this one? I'm very happy to say that I've come to terms about what I believe and who I am. I am filled with hope now that I have found true purpose in life. Love can heal so many wounds.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


She was a sweet young woman, searching for the love she knew would be hers alone.  She believed in
love more strongly than any material item.  Perhaps because she longed for love more than anything
else in the universe.  There must be one that will love her, protect her, and bring peace to this sweet
young soul.  So young, so naive, and so beautiful. 

As she searched, lovers came and left.  Some, like a flash in the pan, came and went without much
of a thought.  Others stayed for a while, but proved not to be the love she searched and longed for.
There were those that moved on peacefully, while others left her bruised, scarred, and leery of her
search.  Search she did, determined that she would never give up.

As with all of us, time goes by and the beautiful, naive young woman grew older, and experience
had made her wiser.  The body was much older than her years, and had been through so much.  It
looked haggard and tired from time and turmoil.  She began to believe that love was never to be hers.
Her mind was going, and she believed there would be no one on this planet who would think the
failings and scars of her body and mind  were worth the trouble to have any kind of relationship with her.
There wasn't anything she could do about the physical and emotional scars.  The scars of the body weren't
so bad, only because it was a temporary vessel and were not who she was.  It used to look like her, sort
of, but that seemed like many years ago.

Her mind; however, was scrambled, weak and weary.  She had moments of clearheadedness, times when
she felt alive, youthful, and most importantly - hopeful.  Mostly they were just that - moments.  Mostly she
felt like she was losing her mind, and perhaps she was.

She heard voices that no one else could hear, and they mostly told her to harm herself.  Their favorite was
burning, telling her to find or make something hot, so she could hold it on herself long enough to make
the burns deep, and the scars hideous.  Surprisingly, the burning didn't hurt, in fact it was almost euphoric.
She enjoyed feeling the heat against her skin.  It seemed like it was the only thing she would ever feel.
There would be no warmth from a love next to her, no heart warming glances, or games of footsies.  There
would be no one to hold her tight, and make love with her.  She simply gave up.

She had come to a point where she was feeling especially tired, ready to give up, and leave the earth on
which she was living.  It was a night of a full moon, when the day and night were almost in perfect
balance.  The voices were especially strong that night, and encouraged her to burn herself until she bled
to death.  She tried, she burned eight new scars into herself, but she didn't bleed.  Then the voices were
telling her to take a bunch of the medicines all of her doctors had her on, to take hands-full of everything,
and that was a lot of medicine!  Suddenly she heard a voice of a woman, a beautiful voice that reminded
her of her mother.  She was saying to call Adrian -  he worked at the office of one of her many doctors
he could be trusted, so she made the call.  He was sending her to the hospital, maybe that would help this
time.  If not, she'd find another way when she got out.

She felt like she was in hell.  The voices were screaming at her to find another way immediately, even in
the hospital.  She found ways, but had met someone.  She could talk to him about so many things.  He
was intelligent, interesting, good looking, and more importantly, he was interested in seeing her more
after they got out of the hospital.  They had a lot of the same interests.  He enjoyed classic movies and
books, was interested in things she had written, and mostly made her smile a lot, and feel young.

At last, she found him. He was "the one."  The one she had searched for and could only dream of
until now.  She saw so much in his eyes, truth, love, tenderness, and so much more... she could see
eternity and beyond.  When he held her, she could hear the Gods and Goddesses of the Universe
singing with their angels at the joy of this union, while their beautiful young souls danced as one.
She found her Heaven in the very depths of Hell.  This was the love she knew was hers alone.
Finally she was loved, cherished, and accepted.  What a wonderful feeling that was.  She'd heard
of it, believed it could happen, but in her latter years figured it was just not to be.  Not in this lifetime.
Not for her.

As their love grew, so did the reasons for love.  She found renewed purpose in her life, renewed life in
her purpose.  It all started to make so much sense.

This is very autobiographical. I wrote it shortly after I met my sweetest love. He has inspired a lot of my recent writing and
creativity, as well as giving new meaning to some of my older work.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


You are the daughter of a king
That's why I call you my princess
God in Heaven created you
And sent you to me, my life to bless

He knew I wasn't perfect
Before He chose me as your mother
He also knew I could learn and grow
And love you like no other

He knew we'd share some growing pains
And struggles along our way
But my love for you has only grown
With every passing day

I want to be a better mom 
The one on whom you can depend
You can talk to me about anything
My love for you will never end

He created and loved you first
And sent you to me as a Heavenly Gift
I pray for you, and love you so
This love gives my spirit a lift

So my princess, daughter of The King
I am honored Our Father chose me
I am so proud to be your mom
My love will grow throughout eternity.


This was written a few years back for all four of my daughters. The main purpose was an attempt to communicate to them that they were the precious gems of my life - a gift from Heaven that I cherished, and wanted to show how honored I was (and, by the way, still am) to be their mom. Happy Birthday Shalla, my oldest daughter, and one of these gems in my life.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Leaves rustling in the wind
      As the sounds change
      Moment by moment
Sensations from the Gods reaffirming their presence
A reminder of their power

Clouds making shapes in the sky
      Morphing from mushrooms into dogs
      Then from dogs into seahorses
Sensations from the Gods reaffirming their presence
A reminder of their power

The air after a good rain
     Scents of cleanliness
     Sweet smells of new blossoms
Sensations from the Gods reaffirming their presence
A reminder of their power

Cool water rushing through fingers or toes
      In a river or waterfall
      As if it has an urgency to be someplace else
Sensations from the Gods reaffirming their presence
A reminder of their power

Wild berries freshly picked
      Eating by the handfuls
      Refreshingly sweet and juicy
Sensations from the Gods reaffirming their presence
A reminder of their power

To hear, see, smell, touch, and taste you
Being held and feeling safe, beautiful and loved
     Our connection could only
     Be made by the Heavens
Sensations from the Gods reaffirming their presence
A reminder of their power


This one I wrote after I began a search for unity with the universe.  It came to me after a beautiful period of meditation, and to me, it speaks with a lot of power.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

S. A. M.

We search the world over for our one true love
And we call them our soul mate
But what of our truest friends
The one who is there when so called love fades
Or we see the ugliest side 
Of the one we thought was made for us.

What of the friend that feels your pain
Knows everything about you 
And loves you anyway
When there is no romantic
Or sexual desire
But all you feel for them is love

This is not something to cheapen
By calling them a friend
The nearest thing to compare it to is sister
But even siblings fight bicker and estrange
I've often wondered the best term for such a relationship
Then I heard of Soul Twins

I find it the most accurate and beautiful phrase
To describe my feelings for you.
You feel my pain, understand me like you are in my mind
And listen to my woes and advise as needed
The Universe put us together as it would lovers
But as sisters, in the most beautiful way

I believe you are my soul twin
Forever to be sisters and friends
There is no force that can separate us
Either in this life or another
We will always have each other
With the inseparable bond of souls.

Whenever I look back on my life, whether in times of joy, sadness, celebration, or trauma, there is one person that has been
there for me. She has held me up, kept me grounded, laughed, cried, advised, and listened quietly. Nobody in my life has
been as loyal to me as she. I have called her my "sister" for almost a quarter of a century, and this is a tribute to her. Today,
on her birthday, I want to celebrate her life, and how she has touched mine. I love you Sam, Happy Birthday!! 

Monday, February 14, 2011


Your eyes
Are they windows

To your soul?

Or a reflection

Of mine?

Or both?

There is such light

And color 





As if celebrating

A union

Or a reunion

Perhaps something even greater 

A physical consciousness 

A recognition 

Of something 

That has always been 

Will always be 

Two separate physical beings

Learning as individuals 

And as one 


What we wonder 

What we learn 

What we feel 

What we believe 

Where we have been 

Where we are 

Where we wish we were 

Where we are going 

Who we are 

Who we are supposed to be 

Why we are here 

Why we stay 

How we live 

How we've lived 

How we love 

How we've loved 

How we've won 

How we've lost

The magic and mystery 
Of love 

Of life 

Of us.


I met my sweet love Alex in what was for me, the Depths of Hell. For once in my life I have a partner in pure love. Someone said that when you find the one you would die for, you've found the one to live for. He is that to me. Posting this on The Day of Love is my tribute to him. Happy Valentine's Day my love!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


In my hair for a first grade picture - simplicity
On white paper wrapping toasters and blenders - incipiency
For my princess's flower girl dress - innocence
In mother's memory - forlornness
and then...
The universal symbol of me -
and finally...


Reposted for my 11 year remission anniversary, which is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

This is one of my favorite poems that I have written. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer just days after my 34th birthday, I had surgery, a combination of three chemotherapy medications, and six weeks of intensive radiation therapy (which not many people realize causes 2nd and 3rd degree burns). My doctor declared that I was in remission just before my 35th birthday, and have been in remission ten years now; this is in no small part due to the support of my sister, my children, and many other family and friends who helped me stick it out and muster through.